

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Best Friend

The paths lay in front of me and He advised me which one to go down. I knew that He was smarter than me, and that the path He said was best probably would be. The path He advised me to go down was barren and small, it looked boring and hard to travel on. The other path looked exciting and fun, and it looked way easier than His path. So I walked down the path He advised me not to take, and at first I was sure that He had been wrong about this path. It was fun, and I met way more people on it than I would have on the other path. Then the path sort of sloped downward so that no one could climb back up when after they sent down. I looked down and It looked like a party, people were laughing having fun, doing all sorts of exciting things. Why would I turn back when there was so much I could miss out on if I did? So I slid down the slope, things started changing. The image started to blur and the people changed. As I hit the bottom of the slope everyone was crying and laying on the ground. Then I saw why everyone was crying. The path ended right here. It just stopped. I looked over the edge and saw nothing but an endless abyss. Franticlly, I ran to the slope and tried to climb back up. "It's no use..." some sobbing woman cried, "It's impossible to climb..." I refused to believe that this was it. Surely I could climb out and go find His path. Then someone touched me shoulder, I turned around and fell to the ground when I saw who it was. It was Him, he had come to mock my poor dicision. I turned back around and kept trying to climb up the hill. He put His hand on my shoulder again and said, "Let me help you." I couldn't let Him see that He had been right. "I don't need your help! I'm just fine." I said sharply. I kept trying to no avail. Every time I tried to climb up I became more and more depressed and exhausted. He again placed His hand on my shoulder and this time said, "I love you, you need me." I hadn't heard the words I love you in so long the sounded so sweet in my ear. Still, I refused to give in, I climbed and this time I was actually getting somewhere. I had probably climed ten feet up when the hill shivered, as if it were alive. It shook me off and I landed on my back with incredible force. I struggled to breathe, I couldn't move. He cam over to me and said, "I love you, no matter what you say or do." Finally I understood that He was not here to mock me or brag that He was right, He was here to save me from jumping off the ledge like so many others had done. I replied with a weak mumble, "I need you." He picked me up and placed me on his back. I wrapped my arms around His neck and He began to climp up the hill. The slope shook violently, but He held on. His hands bled and were covered in blisters, His feet the same. "Why would you go through so much pain for me after I didn't listen to you?" I quietly asked. He grunted and struggled to reply. "I would die for you, and I have, even if you went down this path a hundred times." He finally replied. I was shocked at this and I began to cry, realizing how much He really did love me. We finally reached the top of the hill and He brought me back to the fork in the road. He looked at me with sincere love and said, "You can walk down that path again, or you can come with me." I wanted to have fun and excitement, but I knew what was at the end of that path now, and it didn't seem worth it. I took Him by the hand and chose His path. "Walking down this path would have been easier if you had chosen it to begin with." He said to me as we began walking. I realized just how right He was farther down the path, and sometimes I thought of giving up. He always helped me up when I fell, and when I strayed from Him, He always found me. I am still walking down this long twisty path, and is hard, but it is always worth it when I see the love He has for me.

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