

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beautiful Inspiration

Why is it that when we are alone, our minds come up with the most fantastic ideas and thoughts. One line from a movie, one lyric in a song, one amazing sandwich, or one simple photograph… All are capable of sending the human mind into a series of inspired thoughts. With one simple word, someone can change their entire perspective on life. And not only are we inspired by these simple realizations, but they push us to create, to express, to somehow convey to someone this new found genius that is racking our brains. There is no greater torture than that of having no way to express one's self. To have to sit there and just wait until the thoughts leave your mind, unable to stop the inspiration from slipping from your fingers. Many of us think that our thoughts and ideas are insignificant. "It's not that great of an idea anyway. Someone else has probably already thought of it before. I can always remember it later… maybe. It's not important."I don't mean to sound cliché, but what if people like Benjamin Franklin, or Albert Einstein, or Abraham Lincoln had thought that way? Would we be where we are today? Only God knows. But just think of how many people are inspired by simple things every day. You don't have to be a Martin Luther King Jr. to inspire people. Chances are, someone will be inspired by your creation. A girl sees a leaf and takes a photograph of it. Weeks later a friend of a friend on Facebook sees the picture in her photos and is completely awestricken. A little boy is at the beach and picks up a stick and draws a picture in the sand of his mother. Minutes later a woman walks by with her dog and is reminded of her own son away college. A tear leaves her face as she walks on. These are very specific examples, but I'm just trying to say that creations and expressions are always beautiful. If you feel inspired and need to express it, then you better find a way. Because when you do, it will be beautiful. The mind and soul are beautiful things. And beautiful things come from them when the two are connected and inspired. We can create beautiful things if we let ourselves. So let yourself create. Express. Do. Be a beautiful inspiration.

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